Thursday, June 5, 2008

Primaries? Superdelegates? Electability? Congressional Races? What party election issues are on your mind? Email the Republican National Committee and let them know what you think!

Is it the American
People have to work the first 4 months just to cover what government
spends? And the spending just continues to climb? The mind set is how
much can we earmark for our state? Not thinking that people in your state
also have to work 4+ months? When will it hit 5 months or 6 months? My
dream is if spending was thought of as how can we get to 3 ½ months or 3 ?

I have not seen any tv adds that express the need to not only elect McCain but it will do no good if our Congress is Democrat controlled?

Are the Republicans determined to get what Americans need to work for the Government down from the 4+ months to 3+ months or 3 months?

Cap and trade is wrong approach will be more corrupt than our boarders are now?below is a letter I sent,Also with the border corruption we have now,I do not like our president canadate support part time Americans ,the jobs those people are allowed to come in for SHOULD be giving to FULL TIME AMERICANS

Also with the new tv boxes coming out in 09 we need to regulate the adds that are on tv, tobacco was banned from tv, and hard alcohol from broadcast tv, but 80% watch cable or dish where it is allowed?
That does not make any sense ,BAN it from ALL TV, next I would love to see perscription medicine adds Banned also, all it does is drive the price up,You need a dr to perscribe those not an add saying "ask you dr." you know the ones that say may cause liver damage tiny print on the bottom ov the screen

Let those company's open free clinics to PUSH their PILLS

May 28, 2008


Vote no for cap and trade and vote for some real savings and REAL emission
saving policy. This is I believe a way to grow our government , We do not
need bigger Government , If we can't even control our boarders Without
corruption, what makes this idea will work without corruption,let alone
cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions,and quite possibly not save any
emissions at all? other than a big money pot to put money in?

I would bet any money that this will not save any emissions. I do not keep
my heat down or my cooling down other than to save money. I do not keep
my heat down etc to save emissions.

If we want to save emissions If America can work 4 days a week instead of
5 this cap and trade savings of emissions would not even come close to
what working smarter such as driving that 5th day to and from work? We are
talking about 20% savings that a 4 day work week would do? Some company's
may even close on the 5th day saving huge amounts. many would hire a part
timer to fill in for the 5th day,many companies would go to a split work

Now this is real savings to the taxpayers that mean something , not just
another government office that would be corrupt as the boarder's are? What
we need is a sorta cap and trade in congress,when some dept.'s waste more
than others ,lets reward those that save and charge those that waste.

Would some of these Companies move off shore to escape this? With the
35mph by 2020 what happens to the savings if 30 million more people are on
the roads driving 5 days a week ? Real change would be to reward employers
that will let employees works (drive ) 4 days a week, just think if every
one of those people saved 1 gallon of gas every Fri? 30 million gals not
burned times that by 52 weeks ,next we need to get the semi trucks off the
highways and on to rail lines and move to even smaller smarter rail lines
to rural and remote areas that act like feeders to and from the larger
main lines .

The displaced truck drivers would become rail line workers moving freight
and food and people on these new breed of rail service . this in turn
would allow autos to be made lighter and our roads and bridges to be made
lighter ,not built to withstand the 40 or 50 ton trucks. 5 days a week we
are just waring our roads out,this would save not only emissions but would
save millions in road building and keep more of our money on our shores
rather than sending it off shore , a win win for everybody.

Cap and trade would not save emissions per say,its just that money would
be raised? new corruption would be found, lets think of ways that reduce
emissions that cost nothing? after all the best things in life are free


Tom Smalley

 With the new TV boxes coming out in 09 we need to regulate the ads that are on TV, tobacco was banned from TV, and hard alcohol from broadcast TV, but 80% or more KIDS watch cable or dish where it is allowed?

That does not make any sense ,BAN it from ALL TV!!!!

Next I would love to see perscription medicine adds Banned also, all it does is drive the price up,You need a Dr. to perscribe those ,not an ad on TV saying "ask your Dr." you know the ones that say may cause liver damage tiny print on the bottom of the screen

Let those company's open free clinics to PUSH their PILLS
They will offer free health check ups so there Dr. will "PUSH THERE PRODUCT"

pago compliant ......cost of program $0.00 ......all this is is POLICY change
No Earmarks added ......100% True American common sense Policy!!!!


Citizens for Fema trailers for Parkersburg ,Iowa

Cap and Trade (C.A.T.) = Citizens Against Tyranny

If we want to save emissions ? If America can work 4 days a week instead of
5 this cap and trade savings of emissions would not even come close to
what working smarter such as driving that 5th day to and from work? We are
talking about 20% savings that a 4 day work week would do? Some company's
may even close on the 5th day saving huge amounts. many would hire a part
timers to fill in for the 5th day,many companies would go to a split work


tommy4usa said...

ALERT: It's time to hold Congress accountable for its actions...
Don't you agree?

I just took action to help REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress, and thought you might want to help too!

giving hundreds of thousands of hardworking, patriotic Americans across the country a strong collective voice in the political process.

Congress continues to operate without Constitutional restraint, creating costly and ineffective programs and blatantly ignoring the principles of federalism.

ALERT: It's time to hold Congress accountable for its actions...
Don't you agree? Force Congress to Cite Constitutional Authority for Bills!

John Shadegg (R-AZ) has reintroduced H.R. 1359, the "Enumerated Powers Act", a bill that highlights the importance of the Tenth Amendment and forces a continual reexamination of the role of the federal government.

The Enumerated Powers Act would require Members of Congress to include an explicit statement of Constitutional authority into each bill that is introduced. It would hold Congress accountable for its actions.

Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles.
-Abe Lincoln-August 27, 1856 Speech at Kalamazoo, Michigan

It's time to STAND UP for traditional, conservative, patriotic American values.

go to so YOU can take action, too!

ITS SO EASY buddy holly tune

There are all kinds of faxes you can send

Force Congress to Cite Constitutional Authority for Bills!
Make English the Official Language of USA
Stop Congress From Raising Gas Taxes!
Stop Government Regulation of the Internet!
Stop Illegal Aliens From Getting Driver's Licenses!
Tell Senate to Approve Conservative Judicial Nominee!
Strengthen Enforcement of Immigration Laws
Support the Sanctity of Human Life Act
CLOSE the Wide Open Door From Mexico!
Help Head Off A Massive Tax Hike!
Protect the Pledge of Allegiance!
Tell Congress to OPPOSE Liberal Efforts to Kick God Off Of Capitol Hill!
Tell Congress NO Internet Taxes!
Tell Congress to Restore Local Control Over Education!
Say NO to Basing Congress Seats on Illegals!
Repeal Tax Increases on Teenagers & Parents!
Repeal Automatic Pay Raises for Congress!

It's time to STAND UP for traditional, conservative, patriotic American values.

Replying to Scuba:

I wonder if...... They know they are toast . one (Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA) faces a serious challenge.

this is why we do not need to pay these senators $1,000,000.00 and all the top tier canadates will not support to lower there pay. Did you see one EARMARK where Senator Landrieu gave out almost $2,000,000.00 only to get back $30,000.00 to her re-election fund? heck that is better than the $2,400.00 limit one can recieve,and you know if she did it how many others did?

I just took action to help REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress, and thought you might want to help too!

Thank you for helping to REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress! Be sure to tell everyone on your e-mail contact list to go to so they can take action, too!

6/4/2008 9:12:30 PM I wonder if...... They know they are toast . one (Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA) faces a serious challenge. this is why we do not need to pay these senators $1,000,000.00 and all the top tier canadates will not support to lower there pay. Did you see one EARMARK where Senator Landrieu gave out almost $2,000,000.00 only to get back $30,000.00 to her re-election fund? heck that is better than the $2,400.00 limit one can recieve,and you know if she did it how many others did?

I just took action to help REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress, and thought you might want to help too!Thank you for helping to REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress! Be sure to tell everyone on your e-mail contact list to go to so they can take action, too!

I just took action to help REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress, and thought you might want to help too!

Thank you for helping to REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress! Be sure to tell everyone on your e-mail contact list to go to so they can take action, too!
Thank you for taking action! Your message was sent to:
Representative Leonard L. Boswell (D-IA 3rd)

Also tell everyone about this site together we can change Washington

6/4/2008 9:01:21 PM I just took action to help REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress, and thought you might want to help too!Thank you for helping to REPEAL automatic pay raises for Congress! Be sure to tell everyone on your e-mail contact list to go to so they can take action, too! Thank you for taking action! Your message was sent to: Representative Leonard L. Boswell (D-IA 3rd)

I will update this post if Boswell reply's to me ? So check back

Also tell everyone about this site together we can change Washington

tommy4usa said...

ALERT: It's time to hold Congress accountable for its actions...
Don't you agree?

I would love to SPREAD the WORD about the above site
I got a reply from congress and they informed me of what total cost of the house($1,188,211,000.00) and senate($581,000,000.00)? not sure if that is per year or per term?

Over 1 billion for house and over 1/2 billion for senate WOW .....WHOA hence my web site lower there pay

below is my blogspot Thanks a bunch

www.LOWER THERE Headline Animator

Why drive 5 days at these prices

Why drive 5 days at these prices

Is congress paid way to much?